Wednesday, January 13, 2010

ZUMBA and the New Me

Our school district has provided us with the chance to get fit. They must have looked at us and decided something needed to be done. So, they have brought in a Zumba instructor. I didn't know anything about Zumba but I did know that I needed to get fit. I started running on the treadmill awhile back and did it for one week. Then I got some kind of foot injury that has prevented me from doing anything - just normal walking around has been excrutiating. Over Christmas I decided to baby the foot and get it better. It worked and I am almost back to "ok." And, I figured I could take my chance at exercising again.

Monday was our first day. The district expected about 20 - 25 people to come but about 70 people showed up. We had a blast. Zumba is fast, energizing, exhausting, and works every part of my body - including those that I tend to keep quite motionless. There is a lot of "hip swaying" and I wished that I had paid more attention to Len on Dancing With the Stars as he instructed Donny Osmond on the "art". After all, Donny won with his moves. I'm not winning anything but I'm hoping to lose something. It is so much easier to watch my food intake when I am exercising and so the weight loss challenge has begun. I'm not going to weigh but I am going to measure the various trouble spots and then watch the inches melt away. I'm not going to share with you the actual measurements (unlike a very brave friend of mine, and fellow blogger, that has completely changed her lifestyle) because I'm not that open. But, I will share the victories as they come. And they WILL come. I'm so excited. To keep me motivated I have decided to take the class for credit.

So, here's to a new me this new year. I'm going to be 40 and healthy. (I can't believe I just admitted to my soon to be age. I think that's the first step in some kind of program. Admitting it!)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Another First

Today Collin had his first formal dance date. They spent the afternoon decorating t-shirts for each other and then went on a sleigh ride. (It was a perfect day for the sleigh ride considering that we shoveled at least a foot of snow this morning.) He had a blast. Tonight he is off to the dance but he promised to bring Kiah over to the house so that I could take pictures. I think that he was horrified but, being the good boy that he is (and wanting to take the new car), he did it anyway. He showed excellent taste when he chose his tux and vest to match her dress. It was perfect. When he walked out of the "dressing room" his sisters said things like, "Wow!" and "Is that Collin?" and "He looks good!" I must admit he does clean up pretty well.
Kiah made him look even better! She is lovely. Glad she asked him.