Saturday, July 24, 2010

Summer River Swimming Begins

July's weather has been fairly favorable for those who like to swim - but not for those who like to kayak. The wind is always blowing. Some  Every summer is like that here in Eastern Idaho, its just that some are worse than others. This is a down right blustery one. It makes for a grumpy me. I am nearly sick of the sound of rustling leaves. I'm tired of having to fetch the pool cover from the bottom of the pool because the wind has again blown it off. And I'm down right perturbed that I haven't been able to kayak. That's what I'm supposed to do in the summer. And, I bet the river has missed me.

But, windy days are still good for swimming, if you are swimming in a well protected hole of the river. Lucky for us we have such a place. (I am amazed thankful that not so many people know about "our" place however we do share it with our friends from time to time.) Each year the kids get more and more brave and so they try new things - like Collin's flip with a twist off the highest rocks into the water. Or, McKenna's forward dive off the rocks for the first time. Adri started jumping off the highest "dive" and Katy jumping into the rapids to float down. We have taken a million pictures - just because we love this place so much.

McKenna said yesterday, "When I'm older and I come to visit with my kids, we are definitely going to come swimming here. I LOVE this place." Actually we all LOVE this place. Just another reason why living in this very small town, and enjoying what it's surrounding have to offer, is almost heavenly.

Life is Good especially when you have free swimming with lots of benefits.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Family, Fun, and Freedom

My favorite thing about the 4th of July is spending time with family and having the freedom to do whatever we want. This is a great country and I'm so grateful for that freedom. We've pretty much reserved this holiday for family - no friends, no work, no nothing just family. We had a great time together. It started on Friday with the kids and me heading to Idaho Falls to do a little shopping. Collin thought he was going to die. Girls take way too long to shop. Just to torture him we went to another store. We just kept laughing and laughing. He did, too. Then we met Trent and Tracie on the river for a picnic lunch. The river is beautiful. We enjoyed feeding a squirrel. In a very scientific experiment, we found that squirrels (at least this one) prefer Doritos over whole wheat bread and lettuce. Sorry Aunt Tracie!

Saturday we went to the annual 4th Ward Scout Breakfast. Apparently this is quite a tradition and since we were recently moved into the 4th Ward it will now be part of our Independence Day celebrating. All the kids were involved in the preparation of this - because the YW are always having to help the Scouts. Why is that? j/k Then it was off to the "stupid" Rexburg parade. Seriously, this is a terribly lame parade. I vow from this moment to never attend it again. But, it was fun to be with my family. Afterward we enjoyed a barbecue at my parent's home. That is always fun. But, the highlight of the day was the first ever Grant Family Backyard Pool Belly Flop Contest. Holy cow we were laughing. The pictures don't seem to do it justice. Next year everyone is invited!!! You'll want to be part of this for sure.


After church on Sunday we made a spontaneous decision to go to Yellowstone Park. It was the perfect day. It is so green up there right now. More good laughs and good memories. Another thing to be thankful for - Teddy Roosevelt who what the forethought to preserve that beautiful area so we can enjoy now, many years later. I can't imagine summer without it.

Life is Good.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Summer has begun. The sun is shining and the grass is green (quickly turning yellow because it is hot). Now we can play outside. Lucky for us we have a giant pool (attractive nuisance, I believe Trent called it) in our backyard to splash around in when the weather is right. 3800 gallons of water is going to take a while to warm up but it'll get there eventually. The kids began playing in the water at 11:30 and it is now 5:30. Someone has been in there every minute for 6 hours. I hope our sunscreen is working.
Fun in the Sun! Yay for summer!! 



Life is really good!