Monday, June 8, 2009


I was thinking today about how vane we can be - especially as girls or women. My kids don't care what they look like when they go out. It doesn't matter if their hair is messy or greasy. They aren't persuaded to stay home if they are wearing purple striped pants and an orange plaid shirt. They aren't interested in it. That will change soon. They have almost reached the age that the vanity switch turns on.
My switch is definitely on. I have been painting at my sister's new house. I have been wearing a most unflattering, mismatched, but perfect painting outfit. I always wipe my fingers off on my clothes which has made it splattered in various shades of paint. After I had finished on Saturday, Trent and I decided to go get a snack at the grocery store. I wouldn't go in because my clothes were "ugly." Later I realized how ridiculous this was. IF anyone had taken notice of what I was wearing they would have thought, "Oh, she must be painting. I bet that's fun." Instead, I sat in the car, alone, waiting.
During this softball season we have watched the vanity of teenaged girls at work. The umpires who work at the games are high school girls and they do a fine job. But, they cannot be persuaded to wear a face mask. Why? It will mess up their hair or ruin their makeup. It is torture for the spectators as we watch balls whiz past their heads or hit them in the chest, arms, or backs. Two weeks ago, the umpire at our Rexburg game took a foul ball to the face and suffered the consequences for her vanity - two broken teeth, black eyes, and an enormously fat lip. In my opinion, she looked better with a mask.
Today, the umpire at a game (who, coincidentally, has been hit a couple of other times) was hit by a foul tip off the bat. She now has eight stitches in her head. Her cute little hairdo is being squashed by a roll of hot pink bandage wrapped around and around and around her head. She would have looked better in a mask, too.
Silly what we do and can lose all because of vanity. I hope I can encourage my girls to keep their vanity switch in the off position as long as possible. It is much less complicated - and less painful.


Emily said...

TOTALLY agreed! BTW, the vanity switch can be found at the base of the neck next to the "attitude" switch... (both of which are better in the OFF position!)

thorkgal said...

Are you kidding? It's not a requirement for them to be in full gear? Seems like a risk the league wouldn't want to take, I mean they are working for the league and they could be made liable. Couldn't they? UGH! Stupid girls... did anyone say "I told you so" after they got whacked?

Summer said...

I'm like you and have waited out in the car because I thought I looked to hideous to be seen in public. I've realized you can miss out on a lot of things for the sake of vanity. And those girls, what were they thinking? I definately agree they would've looked better in the mask!