Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Pinch Hitter

Don't ask. I have no clue who is who.
If you were to spend a couple days in our home you would be "privileged" to hear the sounds of sibling squabbles. Okay, it is no privilege. The older brother participates in a lot of teasing his younger sisters. I've been told this is fairly normal. I didn't have a brother so I have no knowledge of this. For the most part, I think that my sisters and I got along quite well. Sure, we argued occasionally but I don't think that I, being the eldest, was a big tormentor. (Sisters, you may not leave comments here.) But, there is one rivalry, in this house, that would be heard even above the brother/sisters thing. That is the somewhat constant banter between the twins. Aren't twins supposed to be best friends? Some say yes. Others say no - they spend way too much time together to be best friends. I've just been crossing my fingers in the hope that someday they will realize that they each have value and will love one another for their differences. Sometimes, if you could listen, you would wonder if that will ever happen. Seriously!

But today, something happened that instilled in me a brighter flame of this hope. Katy had been asked, about 6 weeks ago, to give a talk in Sacrament Meeting today. Two important things here - Katy can't say no very easily and Katy can't (doesn't like to) speak in front of people. She prepared a good talk on gratitude. She practiced and practiced. But, when she came to Sacrament Meeting she was terrified - crying and shaking. She couldn't go up. The counselor in the Bishopric said that he would wait until after the Sacrament and then I could nod my head for a yes she is doing it or a shake of the head for a no. It was apparent to all of us in the family that it was definitely a "NO". But, suddenly, that Adri, twin, fighting companion of Katy, and decliner of all previous talk inviations, took the talk. She read it over and said that she would do it for Katy. I nodded to the counselor and Adri went up. At first I thought she'd do it and no one (except close friends) would know that it was Adri and not Katy. But, sweet Adri explained the situation and how nervous Katy was. She said, "Katy got a bit of stage fright and so I will give her talk for her". She did a great job. But, the best moment of all was when we were home and Katy, with her swollen eyes from crying, hugged Adri and told her "Thanks!"

They may fight but really when it comes down to it, I think they love each other like crazy. I think they are going to be okay.

Life is Good - and full of sweet moments .

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Oops! Did I Need That?

Sometimes, once stupidity has been admitted, you can move on. I am hoping this is the case.

A few weeks ago, while cleaning up my files on my computer, I deleted, what seemed like an unnecessary and unused file. (Problem #1 - I don't have a clue what is necessary or used.) There was this cute icon that looked similar to a program that kept popping up on my start-up screen. It had been driving me crazy and I wanted to get rid of it. (Problem #2 - I shouldn't be looking at cute little icons at 6:00, while in bed, without my glasses. They all look cute.) Feeling very smart, and confident, in my adding and deleting program skills, I deleted it only to realize, seconds later and seconds too late, that I had just deleted the sound for my computer. I tried to reverse this process but it wouldn't let me stop it. Darn! Did you know that without that driver there is absolutely NO sound at all. Like, you can't hear the sounds to YouTube videos, home videos, or the webinars you are supposed to be watching NOW.

Immediately, I began trying to install a new one. How hard could that be? After many search helps I have discovered that it is very difficult. (Problem #3 - I know nothing about choosing a program.) I asked several questions online and got many answers back, some were even good, I suppose. But, I understand none of them. I might as well be trying to rebuild a nuclear power plant. But, I want to do it on my own. I don't want to take it to someone, who will charge me boku bucks to do the same thing I'm doing, just right. (Problem #4 - I'm a bit stubborn that way.) So, I'm trying a new approach. I'm admitting that I shouldn't have done that and that if I know NOTHING about computers then I shouldn't be messing around with them. Now let's get on with it!  I just want a audio driver!!!!

Life is Good - just quiet.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I Don't Believe in Global Warming

Spring visited a week ago. We only saw it for a couple days, but it was here. We are anxiously awaiting it's arrival again. Our garden is quite behind because of the cold. If I were a seed I'd stay in the ground because it is too cold to pop up. Tonight it is supposed to snow in Jackson Hole. Doesn't Mother Nature know that Summer is scheduled to be here in 6 days?

  Just so I remember, I took a few pictures of the flowers and blossoms in our yard before they freeze. That could easily be tomorrow. Good luck little flowers.

Life is Good - but pretty chilly.