Sunday, March 1, 2009

Irritating Things

Okay, so I'm not feeling well. Half of my class, at school, has been sick and I think that I have caught every bug they shared. Thanks. Who said sharing was good for you? Anyway, I'm sick and thus I am quite grumpy. It got me thinking about the things that bug me. Here are ten. Normally, I couldn't think of more than three but I'm pretty ornery. Ten will be a piece of cake.

1. I hate it when people call on the phone after 10:00 pm and before 7:00 am. Don't these people sleep? And, have they forgotten that other people do sleep? Calls between those hours are reserved for emergencies. Don't cause me that kind of panic.

2. I dislike it when people park their grocery carts in the middle of the isle and don't have the common courtesy of moving it out of the way for you. Come on. Do you park your car in the middle of the road? Pull over man.

3. I don't like litter-bugs. What do you think a garbage can is for? I have actually never seen anyone throw their McDonald's bags out of a car window but it must happen often because there is so much trash along the road. Why is it so hard to keep it in your car until you get home?

4. I hate it when kids lie to me. You can always tell. Even worse, I hate it when their parents teach them how or defend their behavior. UGGHH!

5. I hate it when the snow lasts too long. Snow after April is just too much. And the snow should stay away until November. There is just no place for snow during those months.

6. I really dislike it when people say mean things to each other. Come on people. The world is a tough enough place as it is. We don't need to be tearing each other down. As Thumper's mother says, "If you can't say nothin' nice, don't say nothin' at all." Can you imagine what the world would be like if we each said one less negative thing each day?

7. I hate pop-ups on my computer. If I wanted information about those sights I would have searched for it myself. I have a pop-up thingy right now that won't go away. I've done everything to get rid of it. It is making me crazy.

8. I hate being sick. I don't like to sit around resting very often. I figure I'll have time for that when I'm older. Right now, while I have the energy, I've got to get things done. So, when I'm sick it puts a real damper in my style and a kink in my plans. And it makes me angry.

9. I hate that some people think school is a free day-care. Too often the parent says, when their child is sick at school, "Well, what will I do with them. I've got things to do today." Or they get mad when school is canceled. Hello! It's school and I'm not a babysitter. If I were babysitting the kids, I'd get paid a lot more than I am now; we'd have snack time; and we'd watch movies/tv everyday.

10. I hate being grumpy. I really dislike focusing on negative things, so when I'm feeling better I'm going to blog about the things I like.


Emily said...

Hey Robin, I have to agree with EVERY ONE of your annoyances. I've also never actually seen a McDonald's bag thrown out the window (maybe they are clean freaks about their car???!!!)

One more annoyance: when someone has a blog and doesn't tell me. Like Mrs. Grant's Classroom.... I just found it on your blog by chance and it has had me rolling! I especially like the German mom.

Emily said...

Oh, yea, posting this reminded me of another grievance. Are the "word verifications" that you have to type in so you can leave a comment... are they real words? What kind of word is sissestr or mardsma? Or nalialin?