Saturday, October 3, 2009

What Am I Passing On?

Lately, being canning season, I've been thinking about all the valuable skills my mom taught me as a kid - things I needed and I use today. It got me thinking, "What skills am I teaching my girls?" I think they are more involved in life and activities than I was and they don't seem to have the time to sit at my feet ogling over my impressive talents. (Just kidding. There are very few talents, and most are not impressive.) But, I have begun to worry about this. I've totally neglected my motherly responsibilities.

Collin helped me make bread this week (he turned the KitchenAid on and "kneaded" the bread until it was smooth as silk) and it was really fun. The girls are really good at making brownies, Kraft Mac n' Cheese, and Ramen. But, seriously, could you feed a family on that? You could but it isn't recommended, I'm sure.

So, I've decided to make a conscious effort to get the girls involved in "homemaking" duties during this harvest vacation. The challenge: MAKE IT FUN! We have had fun. We've cleaned the garage, harvested the veggies out of the garden, cooked lots of things, and to top off all that fun we made blankets together. Whewww! The girls' families will not be cold.

The girls did a great job choosing material. The blankets totally match their personalities. They are changing so fast and the things they like are becoming so much more mature and less little girly. Darn. I miss those little girls. But, I sure adore these pre-teens.

Here is Katy knotting all the strips together. She worked so fast and so hard. Moose the Cat was an absolute pain. He kept attacking the cloth and annoying poor Katy. We locked him in their bedroom. I'm sure he rolled on the bed, leaving little black hairs everywhere, just to bug her.

Adri is very meticulous and liked her knots to be perfect. She asked me to go over them to make sure they were perfect. She worked hard, too.

And, then, ta-da, they were finished. McKenna's Beehive class had made her blanket last month. (Each month her Beehive class makes a blanket for a beehive.) What a great afternoon! It was so worth the time - mine and theirs.


Emily said...

I love this idea of the blankets! I also have worried that I'm not passing on enough "applicable" skills and need to make more time for that. My mom wasn't so good at it but I still figured things out because I had smart friends like you! Let's just hope other moms are teaching their kids, so our kids can catch up on the learning curve!

Summer said...

You're such a good mom! My mom never really taught me that stuff when I was young, probably because I didn't want to learn. Now how I wish I knew! This year I've taught myself how to can and I sewed my first halloween costumes, very ametuer looking. You're girls will definately thank you. It's so rewarding to see the fruits of your labors!