Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Sound of Spring

A couple of my fellow bloggers from Utah just posted pictures of Spring arriving there. I'm not posting any pics. I posted pictures of our Spring last week. It was depressing. But, this evening, there is hope. Guess what I'm hearing on my roof? pitter patter pitter patter pitter patter  Can you hear it? If I didn't still have ice in my driveway I would run outside and dance in the rain. (I can't because the combination of rain and ice could make for possible broken legs or ankles in this 40+ body.) But, I can enjoy the sound. AND I AM!!!!

Trent just came back from the grocery store. He was able to use the brand new windshield wipers to whoosh away RAIN. Not snow people. RAIN. Beautiful, wet, puddle-making RAIN!!!

Life is Good - And Spring is definitely on its way. Only 2 1/2 feet of snow to go.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Puddle and pitter patter oughtta take care of that 2 1/2 feet of snow right away!! And if it snows again, why I can't say what I will do because this is a family blog.

Two things: I don't know for sure if we are coming up spring break or not. I guess I need to figure that out soon!! #2: are you watching American Idol? If you are, we need to chat. Stat.