Saturday, January 17, 2015

Getting My Swedish Ancestry On

I don't believe my Swedish ancestors would be so impressed. Somewhere, through the generations, the Nordic skills got lost because I definitely don't have them. But, I am a willing participant and have been very anxious to try out cross country skiing. In the Fall, a neighbor of ours had a garage sale and I bought cross country skis, boots, and poles. He threw in a ski rack for the car, too. (All for $25. WOOT!!!!) I patiently waited until all the factors of a good ski day were perfect and today was the day. Since I had never been before, I wanted to try it out someplace open and easy. What could be better than the school track? My teacher friend, Krista, came along, too. We were both pretty green but we had so much fun and laughed a lot. It is a lot more difficult than it looks. Can't wait to go again. I may have found a reason to like winter.

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