Friday, July 18, 2008

More Visitors Come to Town

This morning, on our walk down the Greenway, we saw several animals that had come to town to do business, we guess. Walking through the river, which is very shallow right now, were three deer. They seemed to be playing Follow the Leader. The three were having a delightful time playing until they spotted us. That seemed to scare them (it is early and none of us had done our hair) and they quickly turned around and headed to the opposite shore. We stopped to watch them. They were beautiful!

About two minutes later we looked up to see a bald eagle circling overhead. He swooped in close enough that if we had stopped we probably could have heard his wings flapping. He was huge and majestic. We slowed our walk and watched him until he was out of sight.

Then, about three minutes later, we spotted a black and white tail swishing near some rocks beside the trail. Though that tail was cute as can be, we did not slow to gaze. We moved on as quick as we could whisper shouting to each other, "Go faster! Go faster!" Thank goodness he was busy digging up breakfast.

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