Sunday, November 1, 2009

A New Season for Halloween

We made "shrunken heads" a couple weeks ago. This picture is just after we made them. They never dried out and instead got all moldy. So, we tossed them. But, it was fun to create them.

Halloween came with a different look at our house. Sure we had the same decorations that we have always have, blowing wind, and snow on the ground (until just hours before). But, this year no one went trick or treating. We didn't have the usual scramble for costumes or bags of candy spread all over the floor. We still had jack-o-lanterns but they were carved just before dark. No one begged to carve them during the week. I was practically begging them to carve them on Halloween day.

Katy's polka-dotted pumpkin is on the left. She carved each dot on her own. Adri went wit a new design - the cheese grater. It was unusual but still fun.

McKenna went with the team spirit pumpkin and carved the South Fremont Cougar basket ball. The other side had a paw print.
Instead we had lots of people here at the house passing out candy to visiting ghosts, goblins, and pirates. We made stove-top kettle corn and snacked on hot wings. Then when all the kiddies were home and our doorbell was quiet, we gathered to watch an oldie goldie "scary" movie, Rear Window (1954, Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly). I think it is so scary. I can never watch it all. I always have to cover up my head and plug my ears.

Just recently I've begun to notice all the changes that our family is going through. The little kid stuff is ending and we're entering the all teen period. Can't wait for what will happen next.

One day I got a crafty hair and made these glowing Halloween creatures. They were easy and fun.


Tracie said...

Those are adorable!

Emily said...

How did I miss this post???

I think our house would be going through the same changes except for Jackson and Alex which keep the holidays fun in a kid way still.

But the all teen group watching scary movies sounds fun, too!

Cool craftiness with jars and vases? They look awesome. How did you get the different colors?

Summer said...

I also love the vases...I think I'll be copying that idea for next year. And I love the pumpkins, especially the cheese grater? You're girls crack me up!!!