Saturday, November 21, 2009

You Take the Good, You Take the Bad

My favorite show, when I was young, was The Facts of Life. The theme song says, "You take the good. You take the bad. You take them both and then you have the facts of life. The facts of life." It is so true. Everyday is full of the good and the bad. When you put them together you end up with life. That's just the way it is.

My new calling in our stake has me thinking about that song. I am in the stake Young Women's. My first thoughts were all positive. Yes, I get to go to camp and enjoy it without babysitting the girls. Yes, I get to plan activities for the Laurels and Priests. Yes, I get to do Youth Conference. Yes, I get to work with some amazing ladies. Yes, I'll get to know a lot of the girls in other wards.
But now the "bad"is settling in. Nobody told me I would be speaking at Young Women in Excellence Meetings. Nobody told me I would have to speak at Stake Leadership meetings. No one told me that I would have to speak with the the High Council at different wards. These are the bads. I get so nervous to speak. I really hate it. But, you take the good things and add the bad things then mix them together to get the reality of it. And, I'm grateful that I have the opportunity to recognize both!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Blogger just told me you posted this. How weird is that? I had no idea you were in the Stake YW as a new calling! You didn't follow Trent's theory on mediocrity, I see....

You are terrific about speaking in front of children. That's all that anybody is, just a grown up child. Most of the times, they aren't really even grown up. You can do this!! The good and the bad, yes.