Saturday, January 2, 2010

Another First

Today Collin had his first formal dance date. They spent the afternoon decorating t-shirts for each other and then went on a sleigh ride. (It was a perfect day for the sleigh ride considering that we shoveled at least a foot of snow this morning.) He had a blast. Tonight he is off to the dance but he promised to bring Kiah over to the house so that I could take pictures. I think that he was horrified but, being the good boy that he is (and wanting to take the new car), he did it anyway. He showed excellent taste when he chose his tux and vest to match her dress. It was perfect. When he walked out of the "dressing room" his sisters said things like, "Wow!" and "Is that Collin?" and "He looks good!" I must admit he does clean up pretty well.
Kiah made him look even better! She is lovely. Glad she asked him.


Tracie said...

Oh how adorable they are!!! *sniff* Brings tears to my eyes that little Collin is such a handsome young man! Where's that little guy I used to babysit?

Emily said...

Are we really in this stage of life? Benson has a girl he is holding hands with... YIKES!

A way to face the challenging Life.... said...

it's tooooooo gooodddddddd