Sunday, June 13, 2010

Walking the Green Way

This week we finally got out and took a little walk along the St. Anthony Green Way. It is a cute little trail that goes between the river and the highway. The Henry's Fork of the Snake River has been over its flood stage and we wanted to see how much water was down there. We got our answer - A LOT!!! But it has since gone down and all is well. We were able to bring cousin Tanner along. It was good to have him there. Its always good to be with the cousins. The wildflowers are just beginning to bloom and so the colors are lovely. With the high water came a high number of floating logs that seemed to all gather in one spot. The beavers will be happy. I wish I could produce the sound. SPECTACULAR!!! I love that river roar.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Go get out the kayak! It's time!

A trail by the freeway sounds.... nice. But the pictures make it look spectacular!