Monday, September 6, 2010

On Top of the World

Table Rock mountain is in the Teton Range. It rests at 11,106 feet above sea level. We would climb almost 4100 feet. It is quite a hike (strenuous in all the hiking books) with fantastic views of several mountains, including the Grand, and the valleys below. We hiked it Saturday as a family, not all willing or happy about it, either. But, if we made it to the top, some great lessons would be learned. And some fantastic memories would live on.

Making our way up the trail.
There are two trails up the mountain. One is less steep but longer and is called Huckleberry Trail. The other is about two miles shorter (still nine miles round trip) but extremely steep. It's called The Face and in 1.5 miles you climb 2100' in elevation. We went up The Face - because we could! Aunt Sus was with us and she coaxed the twins along every step of the way.
On top of the world and fairly happy about it.

We all made it. Collin arrived on top two hours before us. (He's lucky he didn't have hypothermia after that long wait.) Kenna got there about an hour before us. (She was so determined. Once she sets her mind on something she doesn't look back.) At the top I felt like crying. It was a great moment. The view was even better than I remembered.
Coming down - like a horse headed to the barn.
What we learned? We can do hard things. And, with family support we can accomplish great things. That is the best part of the hike.

Life is Good and absolutely BEAUTIFUL.

1 comment:

Emily said...

You guys are so adventurous. And athletic. You put us all to shame. I always knew you were athletic ever since I attempted to push strollers with you up to the Provo Temple. Oh yeah, and remember deep water aerobics? You. Are and Animal.
I really love that you guys do a lot as a family, whether everyone is thrilled about it or not. Way to go Grants!!