Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hearts a Healin'

We made it through last week. That seems so unfeeling to say, but we did. With many tears, hugs, questions and answers, and so much support, the kiddos are beginning to heal. Lakyn's best friend, Lexi, is struggling and will continue to struggle so we have decided, as a class, that we will rally around her and help her to be happy. 

One of the sweetest things that happened last week took place on the day of the funeral. About half of my class attended the funeral but the other kids weren't able to go. A community member called the school a couple days before the funeral and asked if they donated balloons, could the 2nd graders get to the Bridge Street so that as the hearse went by all the kiddos would release a balloon into the sky for Lakyn. What a fantastic sight as 120 brightly colored balloons were released into the sky on the most beautiful spring day I have ever seen. That was the best thing for the kids. They all felt like they were part of celebrating a beautiful life. Lakyn's family also found that to be helpful. They loved it. I'm so grateful for that kind gesture.

So, we are moving on and I will be a better person because of this experience. And, I will also be a better teacher.

Life is Good - and growing experiences are painful but help us to be better and stronger people.

1 comment:

Emily said...

This is one of the most beautiful posts I've ever read. I am so moved.