Saturday, February 23, 2013

Growing and Three Missionaries

On Sunday, while we were in Utah, I realized just how grown up our family has become. I looked at the girls sitting around Grandma and Grandpa's living room listening to their iPods and texting and realized that they aren't little anymore. Gone are the days of pulling out the toys from the closet and watching the penguins climb up the stairs and ride down the slide. No more will we be searching for small metal balls before we leave. And never again will the hilarious giggles come from the bathroom as the girls splash and play in the giant jetted tub. It made me a little sad.

It's not just my kids growing up, either. We had gone down to Utah to attend the meeting formerly known as a "Farewell" of our nephew Kendrick. He is leaving on his mission to the California San Fernando Mission. He is a good kid. We love him. But, I am not so sure when he became old enough to go. He is one of the new 18 year old missionaries which is getting him out there early. He'll be great!

This weekend, we will attend the "Farewell" of our niece Carly who is off to the Philippines Manila Mission. She will be the sweetest, most dedicated missionary there. We are so excited for her. Her family will miss her terribly. Carly and Collin are the same age. We have watched them grow up together and I suppose that if Collin is on a mission, then that makes Carly old enough to go too, given the recent age change for sister missionaries.

So, our little Grant family is growing up and we will have three missionaries out at the same time. How exciting is that? I can't wait to read their letters. I can't wait to see how they grow. And I can't wait for us to all get together in two years. What changes will there be for our families. Two years doesn't seem that long if you are only looking at the time itself. But, if you look at growth and changes, two years is an eon. So exciting! I will probably be looking back and longing for the days that the girls were sitting on Grandma's couches listening to their iPods and texting!

Life is Good!


Lindsay said...

I can't believe that I used to to babysit your kids not that long ago, and now they're all grown up! But they're great kids. You should be very proud of them. :)

thorkgal said...

I have felt the same way and ask, "how did we get here"? Amazing!