Friday, March 15, 2013

True Ramblings

I came home today, after a rather long and somewhat difficult week, only to find myself skipping the housework that is needed and going right to my bed with the full intention on of taking a little snooze. But, instead I turned on the TV and found my "favorite" show on. When I was a kid I would do anything so that I could watch "Emergency." I just loved those boys of Squad 51. Well, to my surprise, a new channel recently came to our cable and it is called MEtv and it plays reruns of "Emergency" daily. In fact, it runs episodes of lots of my favorites from my childhood. Every Sunday, they play two straight hours of The Brady Bunch. Whoo Hoo! I love this channel!

On a completely unrelated note, I have been loving this weather that we have had lately. March 1 arrived and I declared it to be opening day of sandal wearing season. I have walked to school with my sandals, snow and all. But, I think that it is helping Mother Nature see that I am serious about wanting Spring to arrive. Mother Nature has responded quite nicely and brought "warm-ish" temperatures to us for this week. (You can all thank me later.) This has been a wonderful lift to my spirits. I really hate Winter. I don't really like Spring, either, but it does usher in Summer which is a wonderful time of year.

And now for one more completely random thought. Well, today I was thinking about how grateful I am for my children. My children are fairly "normal," if there is such a thing. They are smart and well behaved. They go to school willingly every day. Today I watched a student in my class struggle to get under control so that he could learn. I watched another student fall into fits of rage and hysterical crying because he got bumped in line. Poor kiddos! I worry about them. I just hope that somewhere along the way, the students and their parents will figure out something that will help them. School will be torturous for them. So "thank you" Collin, McKenna, Adrienne, and Kathrynn for making my life easy.

Just a lot of random thoughts to blog about. Don't you just love randomness?


shannon said...

Thank you Robin! For sacrificing foot warmth to bring Spring to St. Anthony. I for one appreciate it!

Lindsay said...

Glad you've been wearing sandals throughout the month! I have yet to do that -- but I have been avoiding my winter coat, which is saying something. :)

thorkgal said...

I found that channel the other day too and watched "I Dream of Genie". I still love it.
Yeah for sandals!!!

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