Thursday, February 20, 2014

Choices, Choices, Choices

So, as long as I remember, McKenna has been striving for perfection. So much so, that it has caused her a few issues from time to time. It doesn't matter what she is doing, she wants it to be perfect - except for keeping her room clean. When she was a little time, like 2nd grade or so, she decided that she would have perfect grades for her entire school career. She has worked hard and stressed about it (at one point causing ulcers) the entire time. Well, here it is, her final semester of high school and she has made it. All that work and stress was to help her get into the college of her choice so she can do whatever it is she wanted to. 

Well, she won't tell anyone, because she is really low-key about that, but she did apply to college she has been accepted. She now has to choose between 


One of those schools offered her much more and she will probably go there. One of those schools has colors that matches all her current clothing. One school is further away and not the mainstream decision that others in her school choose. One is closer so she can visit more often when she feels she needs to. Choices, choices, choices.

Wherever she goes, we are proud of her and know that she will conquer the world. She is just that way - determined and hardworking.

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