Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas 2013

When our kids were younger, Christmas vacation meant a lot of bundling up and unbundling as the children ran in and out of the house. It meant lots of lists and letters to parents and Santa. Italso meant reading Christmas stories around the Christmas tree each night of December. It meant magic and sparkle as the kids awakened early, sometimes way too early, on Christmas morning. It meant oohing and awing as gifts were open.

Well, the kids are older. The girls don't want to go outside anymore, too cold! They hate snow. There aren't lists anymore. They just expect Santa to know what they want. I made the girls write five things that would make them happy this year. Reluctantly they obliged. Most nights, one or more of the girls were gone, and of course Collin is on the mission, and so no group stories were read. Finally, at 7:30 a.m., the first kid started to stir. But, the magic was still there as the twins opened their gift from Santa. Way to go Santa! He knew just what would bring that awe moment back to the Grant household. 

Also, we had been looking forward to Collin's Christmas Skype. Last year, when he called, I was so emotional and had a very difficult time hanging up the phone. He also had a difficult time once the call ended, and he cried. But, we were all more experienced now and I expected this year to be different. It was. We we re just a happy to talk with him but it was such a happy reunion. We giggled and talked so freely. He was relaxed and so were we. And, when it came time to end the call, we said our goodbyes, knowing that in 6 short months he will be home.

I also learned something. I have always wanted one of those Christmas trees that are seen in magazines and beautifully decorated. So, this year I decided I was going to do it. It was so frustrating to the girls. I let them out all their homemade decorations on but in the back so they didn't detract from the design of the tree. Eventually, however, I began realizing that something was missing with the tree. All those memories that we have cherished were hidden away, pushed to the back. So, I brought them out. Right to the front and the top and the center. The tree was still great and I enjoyed looking at the little ornaments that were so full of memories. I don't think that I will do that again. I don't want my tree in a magazine anyway.

This could be one of my favorite Christmases EVER! 

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