Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Fun

Christmas came and went. We've had a great time being together. The kids seem to be quite happy about it all. Santa brought Band Hero for the Wii (which is like Rock Band.) Nothing like a video game to remind you about your age. I thought that playing the guitar was difficult but it is nothing compared to playing the drums. I'm so uncoordinated. I'm amazed at how good the kids are. Hopefully practice makes slightly better.

My favorite gift was a new camera from Trent. It has video capabilities and so I can now record our children. It is pretty cool. I've been doing a lot of reading because the instruction manual is about as thick as a Harry Potter book. I've tried something new each day. So, yesterday's practice session was on "Time-Lapse Movies." I've never done it before and I'll have to keep practicing. I decided to try it out on a very average activity at the Grant home - meal preparation. Forty minutes in the kitchen preparing, eating, and cleaning up dinner was condensed down to two seconds on the movie. It is so funny. If you watch it, be sure to blink before you click play. Otherwise, you'll miss it. What I need is some movie editing software to slow it down. Do you know of any? Perhaps something free like Picasa. That might help.


Tracie said...

LOL! *whew* Glad I blinked first. LOVED it!! I hope to see many, many more time lapse movies of you all!

Emily said...

THAT'S WAY FUNNY!! Probably because that's our house in real time. I love your time lapse feature!

Trent said...

Hit the pause/play button and see what frame the video pauses at. I really liked the frame where McKenna shows us the train wreck in her mouth!